Friday, January 22, 2016

Anger Management Activities that Work

I want to share with you one of my favorite free anger management activities that actually works. It's called Fists of Anger and it only takes 3 minutes. It works powerfully to transform anger, anxiety, frustration and grief into tranquility.

This morning I woke up super tired again (it's been about 3 weeks of this) with a detox headache. Over the course of the morning I could feel some strong emotions bubbling to the surface. With my 2nd coffee enema, I asked the spirits of the water and coffee plant for help releasing what was no longer serving me. It seemed to have worked because when I got in the shower, a spontaneous scream came out of my mouth and I started to cry pretty hard. It was a huge release and it felt good to let it go. There's been a lot of emotion around feeling like my throat chakra is blocked and I can't express myself the way I want to. 

After the shower I immediately sat down on my yoga mat to do fists of anger. In the middle of it I got up and grabbed my computer inspired to make this video. I hope this free anger management technique helps you as much has it has helped me. Keep an open mind and get into it, you won't be disappointed!

Kundalini yoga has been an incredible healing tool for me. It works to clear out the subconscious patterns that keep us stuck in negative thinking and habits that don't serve us. If you're suffering from depression, stress, anxiety, or just feel stuck, you may want to check out his powerful tool. 

For the best Kundalini yoga classes, check out my teacher Jai Dev Singh's online academy. It's only $1 to try for the 1st month. 

Kundalini Yoga is the science, art and technology that enables one to access and utilize his or her own creative power for elevation of consciousness, healing and other purposes beyond reproduction.

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